Tarot-Curious? Start Your Journey With One of These 7 Beautiful Tarot Decks

Tarot may have exploded into a global trend over the past couple years, but that doesn’t mean it’s lost any of its magic. I believe that if tarot has piqued your interest, it’s done so for a reason! No matter who you are, your relationship with it will be entirely personal, and, you'll likely find it'll deliver exactly what you need. 

May 17th 2018

Your Summer 2018 Love Horoscope

For all of us, this summer will be filled with many opportunities for adventure in love, but they won’t come without reality checks. Some major planets are in motion this year, including three eclipses in July and August — cosmic occurrences that are notorious for spurring big changes and wake-up calls! Here’s what's up for your sign.

May 13th 2018

Where to grab a tarot reading and a drink in Toronto

As life's heavy matters are best consulted over with some humour, getting a tarot reading at a bar is an opportunity to give our problems— and “our fate” over to someone else for a while, and do it with the support of some high-proof spirits. Ready to indulge your tarot curiosity? Do it at one of these spots in the city this spring…

May 11th 2018